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1 dartmydog  Mon, Jan 2, 2012 6:17:20pm

Anonymous is really just that, anyone can claim to be it. They are using the term because they hope to rile support in the net world from socially conscious youths. but calling them activists is a long throw away from what they really are and promote. Attacking Israelis like this is just a slap in the face no political ends were sought, this was the modern-day equivalent of a pogrom.

2 Gus  Mon, Jan 2, 2012 6:23:32pm

re: #1 dartmydog

Anonymous is really just that, anyone can claim to be it. They are using the term because they hope to rile support in the net world from socially conscious youths. but calling them activists is a long throw away from what they really are and promote. Attacking Israelis like this is just a slap in the face no political ends were sought, this was the modern-day equivalent of a pogrom.

How do you go from saying they were "socially conscious youth" to concluding that "no political ends were sought?" Or in one sentence, "they were socially conscious youth with no political intentions." That really doesn't make sense.

3 dartmydog  Mon, Jan 2, 2012 6:47:04pm

I'm saying that in reality this was an act of total hate and thuggishness and they are pandering off to a gullible public as honourable. It will be taken to be so, in many many minds this will be a swipe at an aggressor instead of taking like it should be understood as a vile barbaric act.

4 Gus  Mon, Jan 2, 2012 9:44:07pm

Do you have anything to add onag besides just down dinging that comment? I'll be here waiting for your elucidation on this topic.

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